2024/9/30 - "Full Throttle"

Found this hidden in the bottom corner of a cooler at Cumberland Farms. According to the manufacturer's website it's not even sold there, but it is at the long-shuttered 7-Eleven nearby?


Drink: Full Throttle Variety: Original (Citrus) Cost: ~$4.00 (I forgor to check I am sorry) Size: 473mL (16oz) Caffeine content (can): 160mg Added sugars (can): 55g


Very lightly carbonated and tastes of a vaguely artificial citrus, almost like watered-down SunnyD. Liquid itself is pale yellow in color and thick like a nectar. The taste is okay, but it leaves an icky, slimy feeling in the mouth. Overall, slightly subpar for a sugar-full energy drink compared to classics like Monster and Red Bull. And for the same price as a Monster? Why buy this over a different drink?


TASTE: 4/10 PRICE: 5/10 Overall Score: 4.5/10

2024/10/1 - "OG Monster"

Although it may not be the most exciting energy drink (everyone's heard of Monster), I'd have to post a review at some point, so might as well get it out of the way early!


Drink: Monster Energy Variety: Original/Classic Cost: ~$4.00 (Again, I frimgor :c) Size: 473mL (16oz) Caffeine content (can): 160mg Added sugars (can): 54g


MMNMM.. Mombster... a yummy and lightly carbonated energy drink, delivering an indescribable, unabashedly artificial, flavor. If one were to try to describe it though, words like "fruit cocktail" and "sour gummy worms" come to mind. There's no slimy mouth-feel like Full Throttle, but I do get a bit of a chalky feeling on my teeth, something which also happens when I drink full-sugar sodas (I must stress though, Monster's tooth-chalkiness is far less than that of a soda like Coca Cola). Overall, Mmm Mmm MM! A tad pricy for what you get though...


TASTE: 7/10 PRICE: 5/10 Overall Score: 6/10

2024/10/2 - "OG Red Bull"

At the grocery store... ya know... to buy groceries... and what do I see? Energy drinks! So of course I purchase a Red Bull for my tasting. I've had Red Bull many times before, but I'm just giving it a proper review now :3


Drink: Red Bull Variety: Original/Classic Cost: $2.69 Size: 250mL (8.4oz) Caffeine content (can): 80mg Added sugars (can): 27g


The taste of the sugar-full Red Bull is a bit hard to describe, but it's pretty similar to a citrus-y sour candy. The drink is lightly carbonated, moderately astringent, and neither too strong nor sweet. There is a little tooth-chalkiness and a tiny amount of mouth-sliminess, but not much in either case. Overall the classic Red Bull is a little bittersweet for me since I know the astringency and mouth-feel problems can be solved. A flavor-twin Vietnamese energy drink I had once managed to fix both issues, even though the OG hasn't?


TASTE: 6/10 PRICE: 4/10 Overall Score: 5/10

2024/10/3 - "Red, Zero Sugar, C4"

From the grocery store... I've only had C4 once before, a long time ago, and I did not like it then. Let's see how I'm feeling about it now!


Drink: C4 Variety: Strawberry Watermelon Ice - Zero Sugar Cost: $2.99 Size: 473mL (16oz) Caffeine content (can): 200mg Added sugars (can): 0g


We've moved from the group of more bitter "they taste like themselves" energy drinks to those which are trying to taste like something else. This is a clear, lightly-carbonated liquid which smells of, unsurprisingly, watermelon and strawberry. The initial taste is quite good actualy, like eating a sugared piece of watermelon. This is unfortunately followed however with a drawn out, increasingly bitter aftertaste. The aftertaste is bad... really not good... it's like eating a twig :/


TASTE: 4/10 PRICE: 7/10 Overall Score: 5.5/10

2024/10/4 - "C4 Orange but I'm silly"

IT WAS BUY ONE GET ONE FREE AT THE STORE SO I GOT TWO C4 ZERO SUGAR ACTUALLY this is orange slice... hm never had it before... I am high tho so like??? Yum>??


Drink: C4? Variety: Orange Slice Zero Sugar Cost: $2.99 Size: 16oz Caffeine content (can): 200mg Added sugars (can): 0g


A whif of orange.. hm!! Tastes like orange drinK! But then... citrus-sy lemon after the drink? It stays in your mouth... like beige...But a sprig? Northern spicebush mayhaps? Nay... too local... mayhaps a sprig of a lemon tree? :3EDIT: Wow guys... not cool... the bitter aftertaste really is here???? Not cool... Deduct 1.5 pts...


TASTE: 4.5/10 PRICE: 7/10 Overall Score: 5.75/10

Coming soon~



Drink: X Variety: X Cost: X Size: X Caffeine content (can): X Added sugars (can): X




TASTE: N/10 PRICE: N/10 Overall Score: N/10